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Helping St. Louis Thrive and Grow in 2019
Helping St. Louis Thrive and Grow in 2019
Brightside would not be able to do what we do without generous support from friends like you over the past 37 years!
Here’s what we accomplished in 2019:
- 26 neighborhood gardens were established or enhanced with Missouri natives — 2,212 perennials, 449 grasses and sedges, 192 shrubs and 23 trees, plus 4,400 daffodils and tulips to attract and benefit pollinators, add vibrancy and color to city neighborhoods and protect natural resources.
- 3,500 vandalized homes, businesses and public spaces have had graffiti removed by Brightside’s team to protect property values, preserve neighborhoods and lessen the negative impact graffiti has on St. Louis.
- 15,000 trash bags filled with litter and debris by Brightside volunteers cleaning up alleys, vacant lots, parks and other public areas to enhance the quality of life in our community.
- 154,000 daffodils, tulips, marigolds, dianthus and other flowers planted by Brightside volunteers to beautify public spaces and the City Hall window boxes.
- 23,000+ volunteer hours invested in cleaning city neighborhoods and beautifying public spaces!
Help Brightside continue this important work! Donating is easy! You can donate securely online through the Brightside website via PayPal or you can mail your donation directly to us (4646 Shenandoah Ave 63110).
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