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Most visitors to downtown never knew the little lake with the fountain on “Highway 40” had a name.
But Brightside volunteers and supporters did. They know it as Lake Louie.
While some might think it is in honor of our city’s namesake, King Louis IX of France, they would be mistaken. (Although, it’s a good guess!)
Lake Louie is actually named in honor of Brightside’s founding director, Lucille Green. Known to family and close friends as Louie, the lake was built under her leadership.
The small lake and fountain was dubbed Lake Louie by the city leaders who embraced her vision for a vibrant green space adjacent to the highway that ushered so many into downtown.
Millions of people over the past 35 years have enjoyed the extraordinary seasonal flower displays and the plume of water shooting from the center of the lake. Thanks Louie, for the beautiful memories!
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