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Wow! An Amazing #GiveSTLDay
Wow! An Amazing #GiveSTLDay
Thanks to you, Brightside raised over $12,000 on #GiveSTLDay! The final amount may even be more once bonuses from your Power Hour donations kick in.
A special thanks to John Sweet and the William A. Kerr Foundation for matching every dollar donated up to $5,000 yesterday! With your support, we met that match and more! Amazing!
St. Louis is the real winner because your gifts go towards purchasing plant material, tools and trash bags plus paint and other graffiti removal supplies to keep St. Louis clean, beautiful and more sustainable.
Way to go St. Louis! Congratulations to the St. Louis Community Foundation for spearheading such an outstanding effort that raised over $4.5 million for local charities!
You are awesome St. Louis! Thank you Brightside Friends!
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