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Neighbors Naturescaping 2020 Edition
Neighbors Naturescaping 2020 Edition
During these challenging times, we all need hope for a brighter future. Brightside can help! Beautiful flowers and trees can make a difference for you and your neighbors.
Brightside invites city neighborhood organizations, non-profits and institutions to work together to beautify a public space with Missouri native plants.
For the past 25 years, Brightside has supported over 600 city beautification projects through the Neighbors Naturescaping small grant program.
This year, we went virtual with the Neighbors Naturescaping Kick-off Meeting on Facebook Live right from the Brightside Demonstration Garden. If you missed the event and are interested in applying for a grant, please watch the program review below. Contact us if you would like to receive an application.
Missouri Department of Conservation experts Mark Grueber and Danny Moncheski discussed plant healthcare and the benefits of establishing and caring for a native plant garden. Check out their educational session below!
Thanks to Mark and Danny for sharing their expertise and thanks to the Missouri Department of Conservation for making the Neighbors Naturescaping program possible again this year. MDC is making great things happen in St. Louis!
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