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October Blitz Events – Volunteers Needed!
This event has passed. Be sure to check out our upcoming events.
October Blitz Events – Volunteers Needed!
What’s Brightside up to this month? Check out this list of events and projects we’re looking forward to for October. Opportunities are updated as we receive them, so check back often for updates!
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Time: 9:00 am
Location: goodfellow and w. florissant
Project Type: Clean-up project
Description: The 27th ward clean up Project Plan has started! please join Alderwoman Boyd in making the 27th ward a Great Place to Live!
Email to Volunteer: boydp@stlouis-mo.gov
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Time: 8:14am-11:14am
Location: 5765 Theodore Ave
Project Type: Clean-up project
Description: Ward 27 Clean-up!! We'll meet at Theodore Ave at the start time and then disperse to our work zones. Help us pick up litter and trash so we can keep our community clean! Please bring your own gloves, masks must be worn and don't forget a smile! Call or text to sign up!
Call to Volunteer: (314) 494-5495
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Time: 8 am to 11 am
Location: Gravois Park, Virginia and Potomac
Project Type: Clean-up project
Description: We are having an Alley clean up October 17th 8 am to 11 am.
Meet at the intersection of Virginia and Potomac. Just bring yourself, water, mask and gloves. We will be mobile so keep personal items limited.
Email to Volunteer: kirstenpetty79@gmail.com
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Time: 9:00 am
Location: Riverview at 70 west overpass (Woodland)
Project Type: Clean-up project
Description: he 27th ward clean up Project Plan has started! We hope you will find the time to join us and support our efforts in making the 27th ward a Great Place to Live!
Email to Volunteer: boydp@stlouis-mo.gov
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Time: 9 am - 1 pm
Location: Christy Park
Project Type: Beautification project
Description: Hello Tree Lovers!
Our goal is to plant 50 native Missouri trees in Christy Park park on this Saturday, Oct. 24. We will begin at 9 am. We will be near the jungle gym. Forest ReLeaf of Missouri will provide the free trees. We will mulch around the trees and apply tree guards to the bottom part of the tree trunk. Some shovels will be provided, but we could use more. Bring a shovel, a pair of gloves, and a water bottle. If you have a wheel-barrel and could bring it, that would be fantastic. I will also bring my wheel-barrel. All other materials will be provided.
The St. Louis City Forestry Commissioner will also join us (he has approved this project and helped me locate spots for the trees). He and I will show everyone how to plant the trees, water them, and mulch around them. Bring any friends and family with you. Many people have already responded, but you can never have too many helping-hands for these kind of labor-intensive events. Come for 3 hours or just come for an hour. Whatever works for you.
Thank you to everyone who decides to help us. Please, spread the word! Meet near the jungle gym. Please, bring a mask and practice social distancing. See you there!
Aaron Dohogne
Email to Volunteer: ajdxt4@yahoo.com
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