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Neighbors Naturescaping 2021
Neighbors Naturescaping 2021
As neighbors safely got together again this year, Brightside’s small grant program, Neighbors Naturescaping was a success!
Neighborhoods across the region will benefit from 20 different Neighbors Naturescaping gardens built or enhanced from the program this year.
We want to give special thanks to the neighborhood leaders and residents who are committing to care for:
- 1,870 native perennials
- 419 grasses and sedges
- 155 shrubs
- 9 trees
- 3,500+ daffodils and tulips
In addition to Neighbors Naturescaping, Brightside friends also planted more than 30,000 daffodils and tulips in gardens throughout the metropolitan area including greenspaces across the city.
Look for these plants to brighten community gardens, city parks, street barricades and other green spaces across the city!
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