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40 Years of Blitz Clean-ups!
40 Years of Blitz Clean-ups!
In honor of Brightside’s 40th anniversary, we will be sharing special stories and photos since 1982 to help celebrate the hard work St. Louisans have put in to support cleaning and greening our city!

Forty years ago, city residents felt the number one problem facing St. Louis was the fact that the City was dirty. In 1982, Operation Brightside launched its massive public-private partnership to clean up city neighborhoods, major thoroughfares and overgrown vacant lots.

No longer just a Spring clean-up, today residents and community groups may request tools and trash bags from Brightside St. Louis to clean up streets, alleys and vacant lots at any time of the year.
Bring Brightside resources to your neighborhood! Register a Blitz clean-up today and get your neighbors together to make a difference where you live.
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