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Brightside’s Been Busy!
Brightside’s Been Busy!
Brightside has been busy with events on events! Our annual St. Louis Gardening Symposium was a hit last weekend. Presented as a hybrid virtual and in-person event, native plant and pollinator experts shared their knowledge with neighbors through presentations and tours of the Brightside Demonstration Garden! A big thanks to our experts- Nina Fogel, Scott Woodbury and Mark Grueber!
The next day, we invited families to our first Brightside Family Fun Day! Kids learned about the importance of caring for our environment from various environmental organizations through fun activities. We even had story time out in the Demonstration Garden! We appreciate the Ivy League Readers Club Gamma Omega Chapter, St. Louis Public Library and BookBookGo Bus for providing excellent stories and books for our visitors. We also want to thank our environmental organizations, Missouri Department of Conservation, Missouri Botanical Garden, Forest ReLeaf of Missouri, Great Rivers Greenway and Saint Louis City Recycles. for bringing interactive activities for kids
These events were amidst volunteers sprucing up the Demonstration Garden and planting flowers around City Hall in conjunction with the City’s Parks Department. A special thanks to the VP Community Service Initiative, AmeriCorps NCCC Fire 6 Group and our STL Volunteers for all of their help at City Hall!
Check out more photos from our latest activities on Facebook.com/OperationBrightside
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