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2023 St. Louis Urban Gardening Symposium
2023 St. Louis Urban Gardening Symposium
A beautiful morning of gardening fun!
With great weather and a superb turnout, we all enjoyed our time at the Symposium this past Saturday! Thank you to all who attended and to our experts who helped make this event a sucuess!
Dave Tylka gave a wonderful presentation on Landscaping for Bees, Butterflies and Other Pollinators. Jean Ponzi made learning about mosquitoes fun and helped us all understand how to safely keep them away.
Dave also provided attendees an engaging tour of the Brightside Demonstration Garden while experts from the Missouri Department of Conservation spoke on Plant Healthcare and Soil (Mark Grueber, pictured above) and Urban Fishing Opportunities (John Schulte).
We also thank our experts, community resource specialist Angie Weber and St. Louis Master Gardeners’ Holly Records, who spent lots of time answering attendees’ gardening questions!
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