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Fido fueled Wi-Fi?!
Fido fueled Wi-Fi?!
One of the stranger but more more innovative ideas we’ve seen of late. Free Wi-Fi for public spaces fueled by the amount of dog poop that is properly disposed of.
Yes, you heard us correctly and we’ll even repeat it: free WiFi that is fueled by doggy doo-doo in your favorite public spaces – places like parks, shopping districts, neighborhoods, etc. The types of places that we at Brightside St. Louis work hard to clean and green.
Advertising agency DDB Mexico is the brains behind the initiative which was built as a marketing campaign for a Mexican internet company – Terra. In simplest terms, the more poop that people toss into a designated receptacle in a designated area, the more free WiFi available to all. Check the full story out here.
Could such innovation have a place in St. Louis? We’ve all got shoes that would probably say so. Have a fantastic weekend everyone! And please pick up after your pets…
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