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Big Thanks to the Veiled Prophet Dads and Their Daughters
Big Thanks to the Veiled Prophet Dads and Their Daughters
Thanks to the volunteers this weekend that helped out at Lake Louie. This weekend, the Veiled Prophet dads and their daughters rolled up their sleeves and dug in to help beautify the lake. They planted celosias, cannas, petunias and sweet potato vine, working hard from 9am to noon. A big thanks to them! Their work is much appreciated as it helps to clean and green Lake Louie and St. Louis.
Lake Louie is the small lake with the fountain and the expansive gardens located just outside downtown along I-64 eastbound at Chestnut/20th Street exit. Throughout the year the gardens are planted and maintained by a variety of volunteer groups. Thousands of volunteer hours are invested each year in planting and maintaining the gardens at Lake Louie.
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