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Neighbors Naturescaping Workshop – Planting, Maintenance and Sustainable Landscaping Techniques
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Neighbors Naturescaping Workshop – Planting, Maintenance and Sustainable Landscaping Techniques
Neighbors Naturescaping Workshop
Planting, Maintenance and Sustainable Landscaping Techniques
Saturday, July 14
9:00 – Noon
Brightside’s Demonstration Garden
Adjacent to Brightside office at 4646 Shenandoah Avenue
RSVP: Call Brightside St. Louis at 314- 772-4646
Employees Community Fund of Boeing St. Louis is the primary sponsor of Neighbors Naturescaping 2012. Forest ReLeaf of Missouri and Missouri Department of Conservation are also providing support for this year’s greening projects. Any group wishing to apply for a Neighbors Naturescaping greening project should have at least one representative at the workshops.
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