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Sustainable gardening best practices
Sustainable gardening best practices
Is your garden being good to Mother Earth?
In light of our recent involvement with the Sustainable Backyard Tour, we’ve decided to dig-up a few techniques to help ensure that your garden is as green as can be.
Gain confidence in compost. Instead of throwing out those forgotten leftovers, feed Mother Earth! Not only are you saving space in landfills, but you are also saving cash in your wallet. By adding organic matter to the soil, you can provide essential nutrients to your garden without the need for synthetic fertilizers. Here’s a great resource from the city to help you get started!
When it rains, it pours. Collect it! In eliminating chlorine and other destructive pollutants, rainwater can give your plants pizzazz, providing a highly natural and nutritional water supply. Rain barrels are an inexpensive investment that will decrease your home water usage, especially during those hot St. Louis summer days. Plus, rain is free!
Want to learn more? Join us on July 14th from 9AM to noon for our “Neighbors Naturescaping – Planting, Maintenance and Sustainable Landscape Techniques” workshop. Until then kick back, relax and enjoy the benefits of growing green!
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