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St. Louisans make St. Louis beautiful
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St. Louisans make St. Louis beautiful
Employees at Boeing have the chance to give back to the community by donating a portion of their paychecks to the Employees Community Fund, these funds help build community projects in and around St. Louis. For the past 15 years Brightside St. Louis has had the honor of benefiting from their generosity. Thank you to all of Boeing’s giving employees, you help St. Louis shine.
Brightside works to make St. Louis a truly delightful place, neighbors working together is a beautiful thing. Medians, vacant lots, parks, schools and other public areas have been transformed into gorgeous green spaces as St. Louisans team up to beautify the city. Neighbors Naturescaping is a chance for neighbors to team up and make a greener, more beautiful St. Louis.
Community leaders at the Neighbors Naturescaping educational workshop in Brightside’s Demonstration Garden learned about Missouri native plants and sustainable practices to capture and benefit from stormwater and ways to protect water quality. For more info on native plants visit Grow Native’s website.
Other Neighbors Naturescaping sponsors include Forest ReLeaf of Missouri and the Missouri Department of Conservation. Major funding for Brightside’s Demonstration Garden was provided by EPA Region 7 through the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. This funding is a Section 319 grant through the Clean Water Act.
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