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demonstration garden
Demonstration Garden Work Days – Volunteers Needed!
Demonstration Garden Work Days – Volunteers Needed! Help Brightside keep the Demonstration Garden in top shape! Join us Thursday mornings beginning April 13 from 9am – 11am or Every second Saturday morning beginning July 8 from 9am – Noon Activities include pulling weeds, planting flowers, spreading mulch, etc. Please dress appropriately for the weather and […]
Brightside’s Been Busy!
Brightside’s Been Busy! Brightside has been busy with events on events! Our annual St. Louis Gardening Symposium was a hit last weekend. Presented as a hybrid virtual and in-person event, native plant and pollinator experts shared their knowledge with neighbors through presentations and tours of the Brightside Demonstration Garden! A big thanks to our experts- […]
The Demonstration Garden Turns 10!
What a Difference 10 Years Makes! From a vacant lot to a vibrant landmark, the Brightside Demonstration Garden has grown beyond our wildest dreams! Just a decade ago, 20 U.S. Marines built the Demo Garden essentially in one week. We especially thank those who helped plan and sponsor the development. You can read about the […]