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Looking Back, Looking Forward
Looking Back, Looking Forward

For 35 years now, the Gardens at Lake Louie have welcomed millions of people into downtown St. Louis with its colorful flower displays. The little lake with the fountain along I-64 eastbound at the Chestnut/20th Street has been a show piece for many years.
Exciting changes are coming soon to that highway corridor thanks to the #MLS4THELOU and the yet-to-be named soccer team that will debut in 2021. But alas, Lake Louie and its seasonal flower displays will soon give way to an exciting downtown destination.
For decades, community service organizations, student groups, and corporate employee volunteers helped care for the gardens at Lake Louie. Countless novice and master gardeners invested untold hours of sweat equity to maintain the gardens and ensure their splendor for thousands who passed by on their way to and from downtown.
From the brightly colored daffodils and tulips every spring to vibrant color throughout the summer and fall, and gorgeous ornamental grasses shimmering throughout the winter months, we have thousands of volunteers to thank.
We extend a special thank you to all of those who have volunteered their time at Lake Louie over the past 35 years. Thank you to all of those who took a moment to honk in appreciation for the volunteers and their hard work. And a most sincere thank you to all of you who have smiled at seeing the beautiful seasonal displays.
MODOT has scheduled the closing of the Lake Louie exit for February 3, 2020, but we have great things to look forward to. Beautiful green spaces will be incorporated into the soccer stadium and adjacent areas, and the highway reconfiguration will restore the street grid making it much easier for people to get around downtown.
Lake Louie, thanks for the beautiful memories!
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