©2025 Operation Brightside Inc. | All marks are trademarks of their respective owners.
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To Our Volunteers
To Our Volunteers
You may not have realized it yet, but you have been a part of 40 years of cleaning and greening St. Louis! We appreciate your commitment to making a better St. Louis for all of us.
In 2022, we need your continued support to help us reach our 40th Anniversary Goals:
- Complete 400 neighborhood clean-ups
- Engage 4,000 volunteers
- Plant 40,000 daffodils
- Plant 40,000 marigolds
- Plant 40,000 dianthus
- Plant 40,000 celosia
- Remove 40,000 sf of graffiti
We are thankful for the helping hands we have already had this year volunteering their time in the greenhouse to Blitz Blooms seeds, planning Blitz clean-ups and donating directly to Brightside in support of this year’s goals!
How can you help?
- Be sure to get a copy of our 2022 Neighborhood Leader Packet to learn about what Brightside has in store for this year. (Includes Blitz clean-up info, how to get free flowers and more!)
- Start talking with your neighbors about what beautification you’d like to see in your neighborhood. Register for the 2022 Neighbors Naturescaping Kick-off Meeting.
- Consider donating to Brightside to help support our cleaning and greening programs.
We can’t do what we do without leaders like you!
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