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Brightside Family Fun Day
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Brightside Family Fun Day

Sunday June 5 | 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Brightside Demonstration Garden 4646 Shenandoah Ave 63110 | Free admission
Families are invited to learn about our environment and why caring for our planet is everyone’s responsibility!
Participate in fun activities with the Missouri Department of Conservation, Forest ReLeaf of Missouri, Great Rivers Greenway, Missouri Botanical Garden, Saint Louis City Recycles and Brightside St. Louis. We will also have story time with St. Louis Public Library and Ivy Readers Club of Ivy Alliance Foundation, Gamma Omega Chapter.
The BookBookGo bus will be here to distribute a free book to each child.
Click here for a schedule and map of events.
Upon arrival, visitors are asked to pick up their Family Fun Day “passport” at the Registration table. Everyone turning in their fully-stamped passport will get a free participation prize* before they leave.
Light refreshments will be available.*
We look forward to seeing you then!!
*While supplies last
Service animals only please.
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