©2024 Operation Brightside Inc. | All marks are trademarks of their respective owners.
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Boost Your Gift on #GiveSTLDay
Boost Your Gift on #GiveSTLDay THANK YOU for planning your donation to Brightside on #GiveSTLDay – Wednesday, May 10th…and through 10 a.m. May 11th! Celebrate 10 years of Give STL Day with 10 extra hours of giving! Plan your gift to Brightside on Wednesday, May 10th and May 11th. Every gift will be matched thanks to the […]
Blitzin’ & Bloomin’
Blitzin’ & Bloomin’ Now is the perfect time to organize a neighborhood cleanup and Brightside is here to help! Through our Blitz program, neighbors can request trash bags and borrow needed tools such as brooms, shovels, rakes, litter grabbers and recycling carts for cleaning up alleys, streets and vacant lots in their neighborhood. Simply request […]
Helping St. Louis Thrive and Grow in 2019
Helping St. Louis Thrive and Grow in 2019 Brightside would not be able to do what we do without generous support from friends like you over the past 37 years! Here’s what we accomplished in 2019: Help Brightside continue this important work! Donating is easy! You can donate securely online through the Brightside website via PayPal or […]
April Blitz Events — Volunteers Needed!
April Blitz Events — Volunteers Needed! What’s Brightside up to this month? Check out this list of events and projects we’re looking forward to for April (Earth Month!). Opportunities are updated as we receive them, so check back often for updates!
March Blitz Events — Volunteers Needed!
March Blitz Events — Volunteers Needed! What’s Brightside up to this month? Check out this list of events and projects we’re looking forward to for March. Opportunities are updated as we receive them, so check back often for updates!