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South Grand 2022 Volunteer Events
South Grand 2022 Volunteer Events Help steward the native landscape along South Grand with the South Grand EcoCrew! Calling all gardeners and outdoor enthusiasts! The South Grand Community Improvement District is seeking hard-working volunteers to help steward the native landscape areas located throughout the District. There are events scheduled throughout the year that are open to […]
March Blitz Events — Volunteers Needed!
March Blitz Events — Volunteers Needed! What’s Brightside up to this month? Check out this list of events and projects we’re looking forward to for March. Opportunities are updated as we receive them, so check back often for updates!
How Did We Make St. Louis Thrive and Grow in 2018?
How Did We Make St. Louis Thrive and Grow in 2018? From Blitz neighborhood clean-ups and graffiti removal to planting native plants and flowers and providing recycling bins, Brightside thanks you for your support! Together, in 2018 alone, we have: Enhanced green spaces with 130,000 annuals and 40,000 native perennials, grasses, shrubs and trees along […]
2018 Neighbors Naturescaping Success!
2018 Neighbors Naturescaping Success! Coming to a neighborhood garden near you! With 21 Neighbors Naturescaping projects this year (15 of them in new locations or from new groups), that’s a lot of plants that made their way to their new homes in October! In fact: 2,177 perennials 1,500 daffodils and tulips 424 grasses 105 shrubs 12 […]
Neighbors Naturescaping Success!
29 Projects for 2017 Through Brightside’s Neighbors Naturescaping Program, 29 neighborhood and community groups are helping green and beautify our St. Louis communities by planting: 3,500 Daffodils and tulips 2.552 Perennials 345 Grasses and sedges 142 Shrubs 27 Trees Community gardens bring neighbors together creating beautiful and enjoyable spaces. Visit the Brightside Facebook page for […]
What’s Up for the Summer?
What’s Up for the Summer? 2017 Neighbors Naturescaping Grant Program Technical Workshop: July 13th at 4:30 p.m to 6:30 p.m. at the Brightside Office Ready to take the next step to beautify your city neighborhood? Do just that through a Neighbors Naturescaping project. Apply for up to $1,500 in native perennials, grasses, shrubs, trees, bulbs and hardscape material […]