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St. Louis Urban Gardening Symposium Success!
St. Louis Urban Gardening Symposium Success! The rain held off and a large crowd gathered for a fun morning of learning about and discussing native plants in our community! We are thankful for everyone who attended and all of the knowledgeable experts who volunteered their time and expertise. Our Partner Showcase Presentation included a wealth of information […]
Brightside’s Been Busy!
Brightside’s Been Busy! Brightside has been busy with events on events! Our annual St. Louis Gardening Symposium was a hit last weekend. Presented as a hybrid virtual and in-person event, native plant and pollinator experts shared their knowledge with neighbors through presentations and tours of the Brightside Demonstration Garden! A big thanks to our experts- […]
Life Outside
Life Outside Free festival of the outdoors presented by Great Rivers Greenway The Life Outside festival brings together area businesses, nonprofits and clubs to offer activities for people of all ages. Attendees can see, try and learn ways to spend more of their lives outside. Free activities include tree climbing, kayaking lessons, birdwatching, rock climbing, […]