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Neighbors Naturescaping
Neighborhood Beautification Projects Get the Green Light
Neighborhood Beautification Projects Get the Green Light Community groups gathered for a small awards ceremony at Brightside St. Louis last week, hoping their proposed neighborhood greening projects would be selected for the 2014 Neighbors Naturescaping program. Now in its 19th year, Brightside’s Neighbors Naturescaping program offers an opportunity for neighborhood organizations throughout St. Louis city […]
Looking Back and Planning Ahead
Looking Back and Planning Ahead So far, 2014 has been a great year at Brightside St. Louis. From hosting our first Urban Gardening Symposium to revamping the beloved Blitz program, 2014 has brought great things to Brightside and we are excited to see what the rest of the year has in store. Check out our […]
St. Louis Urban Gardening Symposium
St. Louis Urban Gardening Symposium Urban gardening is simply the process of growing plants in an urban environment. However, growing plants in urban areas can present certain challenges less common in more rural or even suburban settings. In urban cities, where the population is more concentrated, things like buildings, sidewalks, streets, stormwater runoff, overhead wires, […]
2014 Neighbors Naturescaping Program Kick-Off
2014 Neighbors Naturescaping Program Kick-Off Join us on Wednesday, June 4th at 5:30 p.m. to kick-off the 2014 Neighbors Naturescaping season! Learn how the Neighbors Naturescaping program can help your community grow. Brightside staff will go through the application packet in detail and explain the judging criteria considered by the Selection Committee. Application packets will […]
Brightside Helping You Help the Monarchs
Brightside Helping You Help the Monarchs As you can probably gauge from the giant Monarch sculpture at the entrance to our Demonstration Garden, we love butterflies, especially Monarchs. Their spectacular multi-generational migration from Mexico to Canada and back each year continues to amaze children and grown-ups alike. Sadly, the population of Monarchs has declined drastically […]
Brightside Featured on City Corner
Brightside Featured on City Corner Learn more about what Brightside St. Louis is doing to make St. Louis a cleaner, greener and better place to live. Executive Director Mary Lou Green explains on STL TV’s City Corner!
20 neighborhood gardens enhanced through Neighbors Naturescaping
20 neighborhood gardens enhanced through Neighbors Naturescaping Thanks to the generosity of the Employees Community Fund of Boeing St. Louis, Forest ReLeaf of Missouri and Peabody Energy, 20 neighborhood gardens will be enhanced through our Neighbors Naturescaping program. Parks, school grounds, neighborhood entrances, medians, street barricades, vacant lots and community gardens will be planted with 8,500 […]