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Landscaping tips
Call For Sustainable Backyards
Call for Sustainable Backyards The Sustainable Backyard Tour returns for the fifth year on Sunday, June 14th, 2015. A free, grassroots, self-guided tour of residential yards (front and back!) throughout St. Louis city and county, the tour showcases a range of green living practices, including low-impact lawn care, composting and using recycled materials, organic gardening, […]
Rainscaping Grants for Landowners
Rainscaping Grants for Landowners Want to incorporate rainscaping into your property? Find out how the MSD Project Clear Rainscaping Small Grants Program can help you. The Project Clear initiative was developed by the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District to improve water quality and alleviate many wastewater concerns in the St. Louis region. The primary goal […]
Take a Virtual Tour of our Garden
Take a Virtual Tour of Our Garden Lace up your virtual walking shoes and take a stroll through our newly-upgraded Demonstration Garden webpages. Thanks to the creative team at Wired Impact, you can now visit online and learn about all of our Demo Garden’s environmentally-sustainable gardening and urban-conservation practices from the comfort of your own […]
Ash Trees in Danger of Emerald Ash Borer Infestation
Ash Trees in Danger of Emerald Ash Borer Infestation The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) has been discovered in St. Charles County and is the first known EAB infestation in the St. Louis region. Now that the insect is in our area, homeowners, businesses and entire communities will need to weigh the costs versus the benefits […]
2014 Neighbors Naturescaping Program Kick-Off
2014 Neighbors Naturescaping Program Kick-Off Join us on Wednesday, June 4th at 5:30 p.m. to kick-off the 2014 Neighbors Naturescaping season! Learn how the Neighbors Naturescaping program can help your community grow. Brightside staff will go through the application packet in detail and explain the judging criteria considered by the Selection Committee. Application packets will […]
Bring Conservation Home with Brightside St. Louis and the St. Louis Audubon Society
Bring Conservation Home with Brightside St. Louis and the St. Louis Audubon Society We’re very excited to announce that we’re now a partner and supporter of the St. Louis Audubon’s Bring Conservation Home native landscaping program. Also known as naturescaping, its practices can help lower your water and other utility bills, improve water quality in the […]
Sustainable gardening best practices
Sustainable gardening best practices Is your garden being good to Mother Earth? In light of our recent involvement with the Sustainable Backyard Tour, we’ve decided to dig-up a few techniques to help ensure that your garden is as green as can be. Gain confidence in compost. Instead of throwing out those forgotten leftovers, feed Mother […]
Summer lawn care in St. Louis
Summer lawn care in St. Louis This week is set to break records for high temperatures that spell disaster for your luscious lawn. In addition to these record highs, St. Louis is experiencing a moderate drought meaning your grass is getting toasted. It’s important that you take adequate care of your lawn to keep it […]